Made from 100% recycled cotton fibers from the textile industry in India. Conscientious of the environment AND the people that live in it. When you jot a note on our cards or gift one of our journals or diaries, you are a part of writing a global story of change as well as bringing transformation to communities.
- 40 pages
- 4.5 x 6.75"
- beautiful artwork binding cover (morning frost)
I love the intention of this company. From this partnership, we at H Y D E are proud to offer you socially conscious, quality crafted products that will add flair + function to your lifestyle. Secure in the knowledge that each H Y D E item you carry is a symbol of hope and opportunity; we thank Y O U for supporting a beyond fair-trade company committed to ethical employee treatment and the provision of dignified work for the men and women we are blessed to call our Artisans.